Course Content
Element 3: Managing risk – understanding people and processes
Element 4: Health and safety monitoring and measuring
Element 5: Physical and psychological health
Element 6: Musculoskeletal health
Element 7: Chemical and biological agents
Element 8: General workplace issues
NEBOSH IGC eLearning
About Lesson

In this video, we’ll be diving into Element 3.2, and we’ll be exploring improving health and safety culture:-

• Gaining commitment of management
• Promoting health and safety standards by leadership and example and appropriate use of disciplinary procedures
• Competent workers
• Good communication within the organisation:
> benefits and limitations of different methods of communication (verbal, written and graphic)
> use and effectiveness of noticeboards and health and safety media
> co-operation and consultation with the workforce and contractors, including:
– benefits of worker participation (including worker feedback)
– the role of health and safety committees
• When training is needed:
> induction (key health and safety topics to be covered)
> job change
> process change
> introduction of new legislation
> introduction of new technology

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